Why I Started a Blog and Why You Should Too
With modern web hosting tools it has never been easier to start a blog. If you so choose, you can go to a website building service, pay a small fee and have a perfectly good looking blog up in minutes. Or, you can create a marvel of a blog, packed with the latest technologies ready to captivate any viewer, if you so choose. While the myriad of options may paralyze some into indecision, for everyone else you are free to choose what makes you happy. It has become so easy to start your own blog that there are literally millions of blogs on the internet. If that scares you into thinking "why bother?" "how can I compete?" Let me put your mind at ease. The truth is, if your blog gets lost in the sea of internet traffic, never to see the light of viewership, then that is okay. That thought alone really takes the pressure off.
Now that there is no pressure we can get down to business. The primary reason I chose to start a blog is I thought it would be fun. I don't know about you, but there are few things in my life that I have given myself ultimate control over. I can write about anything I want, on my timeline, and to whom ever I choose to. To use a cliche "it is about the journey, not the destination". Having a blog is a record of your journey, so make it memorable and then share it.
Sharing can be an obstacle for some to overcome. Getting through this can be an opportunity to let people into your mind, which brings us to the second reason I am blogging. Writing is a way to organize your thoughts. When we are challenged try to take the time to plan how you will face them. When you write you take time to intently put your thoughts to paper (or screen), and simply creating some structure can be enough to guide you to a solution. Problems take many forms from academic, relationships, emotional, creative, and then some. Learning to write takes practice, what better way than by using it to fix your problems.
Problem solving is not the only reason to write. Use it to create new content, to communicate, whatever the reason one thing is certain; writing is a skill that can be developed. When learning a new skill there are some guidelines that are helpful universally. Be consistent with practice, it is more effective to do a little work everyday than to cram once in a while. Expect to make mistakes, masters in any craft learned from their mistakes made over a long time, so be easy on yourself. Share your work to get feedback and learn to differentiate it from criticism, take the time to have a conversation instead of being offended. With patience and hard work you too can become a master of this craft, eventually making products that others will enjoy.
Which brings us to my final point, there is potential to make money. For centuries writing has been a viable career choice, and now more than ever. Write your dream novel, a blockbuster screenplay, or maybe even start a blog. With the internet there is potential for ad revenue, affiliate marketing, sponsorship, and it is not going anywhere anytime soon. So think about, write it down, plan it out, and take charge of your life. I am excited to share my journey with you, and I can't wait to see your in turn.